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Member Performance Night

What is happening at the November 29th meeting of Ring 313?

On November 29, we look forward to a member performance night.  We are particularly interested in learning the secrets from our past winners of the "Fool Us" contests.  So, be prepared to Fool Us once again and we hope that you will reveal something that we couldn’t figure out on our own.  This night is not limited to just past Fool Us contestants.  We welcome any performance.  Are you working on something new and would like feedback?  Need some ideas for a routine?  There’s a lot of expertise within our club and many of us appreciate an explanation or two to help improve our own acts.  The reveals also help us determine if we should spend more money for a given prop.  Please consider participating regardless of your status.  We all want to learn!

 In addition to a show and tell evening, we will also take a moment to recognize three of our former members.  As a community of entertainers, we need to support each other and be there when the need arises.  Please plan to join us for an important evening as we perform broken wand ceremonies.

One last thing, we have an important task to do.  Election of officers.  We need someone to step up and become our next secretary of the club.  Philip has some mighty big shoes to fill but the reality is that we all bring something different to the club.  Please, step forward and make a difference.  We will all be forever grateful!

November is a month of thanks giving.  I want to thank you all for supporting our Ring 313 club and for all that you do.

ZOOM doors open at 6:30 pm.

October 25

KEVIN BROWN'S Evening of Bizarre and Mentalism Magic Show

December 13